Workshop on Stochastic Partial Differential Equations:
Modelling, Analysis, and Approximation

24.08.2009 - 28.08.2009
TU Darmstadt GERMANY


The workshop is part of the Priority Program 1324 of the German Research Foundation (DFG), see »http://www.dfg-spp1324.deĢ.

We believe that currently the modelling of SPDEs and their applications in various fields, including the numerical approximation, is a fast growing area of research activities. We think that a workshop that is focussed on the above mentioned aspects will provide a great opportunity to start new scientific collaborations among participants from possibly different areas having SPDEs as their common scientific interest.

The following experts have agreed to give plenary talks:

An important feature of our workshop will be short courses devoted to the topics modelling, analysis, and numerics of SPDEs. A short course will consist of three lectures, 45-60 minutes each, and will give a survey representing major research directions in the field. The short courses will be given by: In addition, there will be the possibility to present contributed talks (approximately 40 minutes including discussions).

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