
Workshop on Computational Stochastics
March 25 - 30, 2012
Annweiler am Trifels, GERMANY


This workshop on Computational Stochastics will represent some of the recent developments in approximation and numerics for SDEs and SPDEs.

The Program schedule is available here.

To foster the exchange of ideas we intend to only have about 20 talks, while the number of participants will be higher, and reports on 'work in progress' are very welcome. Additionally, a number of applications from different fields of science and technology will be represented. One of our hopes for the workshop is to stimulate new links between theory and application, so we will have plenty of time for the presentation of application challenges to which algorithm developers will hopefully respond with new ideas.

Presentations will only be one part of the workshop, and therefore an active participation without giving a talk is very welcome.

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